Thursday, June 17, 2010

Rug Dilemmas

Nik and I just inherited a brand new area rug, which I am very excited about. Nik's parents bought it for us this week. They were going to give us one that they already had, but found that it looked nice in their new house. Since they had promised us that one, they decided to buy us one that would fit well in our space. I'm very excited and love it.

Here the dilemma...our family room is very oddly designed. Almost right across from our fireplace is the door going out to our garage. This means we can't put the couch across from the fireplace, but has to be a few feet off to the side. So, I can't figure out where to put the carpet. Does it line up with the fireplace or the couch? I've taken a few pictures to show you what I'm talking about. Our room is very small, so it's hard to get a complete picture cause I can't stand back far enough.

Please, tell me what you think I should do with the space.
p.s. Eventually we will get a new, smaller chair.


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